Friday, August 31, 2012


I created this blog (or revamped the one I had) after midnight last night, so essentially, today, August 31, 2012. After I was at work this morning, I took out today's Daily Word and the lesson for today - I swear - is "I Love My Life" - can you believe that? Talk about meant to be... Serendipity! Which is one of the movies Liz kept bugging me to see - for years! Yes, we finally watched it together a couple years back and yes, I completely fell in love with it. I'm sure she had a hand in today's events :)

"I have been strengthened by challenge, broken open in crisis, and sustained through it all by God within. ...I have been blessed by friends and family as we've lived through times of joy and (great) sorrow. For every loss I've grieved, I have been blessed by a time of love. I have no regrets. I love my life!"

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."
-Psalm 23:6

1 comment:

  1. A grief as deep as this sometimes renders you childlike. Those you thought were your closest friends are no longer there because the grief is too deep and they don't know what to do. I forgive them, but our relationships will never be the same. I wish this on no one. Then there are the surprises, people who not only step up to be an amazing pillar of strength for which I am grateful and blessed, but a wonderful friend who I love dearly (her family too!), and then, there is one who has seen the true depth of my grief, every side of who I am (which ain't always purty :>), and yet, still stands there, "is all in", and for that person I have no words. I do NOT know what I would do without you...

    And then there are her friends - each one of you - I love you all and am so grateful for you. I feel a closeness to each of you that I never thought possible; I love the love you have for my sissy and at times, feel a great need to be around you. With you I can talk, laugh, or cry about her and not feel odd because you also love and miss her. I know she is loving seeing the love between us; knowing we are all trying to take care of each other. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. xoxo

    My TNT family...God Bless each one of you. My enormous extended family, you have no idea how much I love and appreciate you! My Wissa, you are my cousin and my best friend; one of the few who know me well. Thank you for being here when I couldn't make a simple decision because my mind was grappling with the big ones; for leaving your family to be by my side that week and knowing what to say when you can barely make out my words through the tears. I love you.

    And of course, my mommy and brudder... Lord knows we all know each other :) I am grateful we have the relationships we do. I love you both so very much. We've always been a unit (the four of us) and even now, through this unfathomable grief, we are still a unit; she's always with us... Always and Forever
